When looking into Guest blogging, I am sure that what you’ve heard are usually on the lines of the following:

  1. You write an awesome article
  2. Get it published in some great niche website
  3. Their audience love what you wrote and click on your link
  4. You get a whole new traffic and revenue stream.

In reality what you’re actually after is the Link. This is the gold mine behind guest posting.

And the more authoritative the host website is, the better the link is for you.

Neil Patel quotes a Karol K on his website with the following:

I honestly believe that if there was some international law forbidding guest bloggers to link to their projects, we’d see at least a 90% drop (not that I’ve done any research) in the volume of guest posting done worldwide.

-Karol K

How do get your link on an authority website?

The first option is to create a list of authority websites you want to be on and start emailing them about guest posting or paid posting opportunities. Most of these larger websites have an online advertising section or even a content submission section, but a reply is never guaranteed.

This is where companies like ours come in. At CONTENT.DA, we specialise in getting content published on these authority websites at the most advantageous price possible. We do this by leveraging our global network of editors, content writers, publishers, and media houses to get the most exposure for our clients.

How Much Does Guest Blogging Cost?

The two major costs for guest blogging is the charge of the host website, and the cost to develop the article.

The cost of uploading your content can range from €150 up to €1,500 per article. The cost of the writer will run anywhere from 10 cents per word or more, depending on the writer and the subject content. Luckily we have such great relationships with our publishers that we can sometimes get the content done for you too.

As a guide here are some examples that we offer:

  • Low  DA link (20 – 40), cost to upload €150.
  • Medium DA link (40 – 60), cost to upload €200
  • High DA link (60 +), cost to upload €250-€400

I want an authority link, what should I do?

Click on the button below and let us know that you need. We’re here to help.

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